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Ultrasound machines


Ultrasound diagnostic devices

Ultrasound diagnostics is the most affordable, fastest method with a wide range of applications in radiation diagnostics. An ultrasound scanner can be used at outpatient appointments, in hospitals, and at home. Ultrasound devices can be stationary, portable, tablet, and in the form of autonomous wireless sensors. The configuration of ultrasound scanners is selected depending on the tasks, operating conditions, and scope of application.

Varieties of ultrasound machines

Our company has been operating in the medical equipment market for a long time and has already become a proven supplier of medical equipment. We are engaged in equipping clinics, medical and specialised diagnostic centres. We help with the selection of devices, their installation, configuration, and technical support.

On our website, you can buy ultrasound machines of different classes, different modifications, which can be equipped with different types of sensors:

  • linear,
  • convectional,
  • phased,
  • endocavitary,volumetric,super-oesophageal,biplane,
  • intraoperative.

Each ultrasound diagnostic device, depending on its functionality, will be able to support additional or special modes, such as elastography, tissue Doppler.

If a medical institution needs a highly specialised ultrasound machine, it can be equipped with:

  • per-esophageal, T-shaped sensor;
  • .
  • for biopsy - biopsy tips, biopsy software.

We will select and deliver an ultrasound machine for any task. We will install, set up and train the staff.

Criteria for choosing an ultrasound scanner

When choosing an ultrasound machine, it is necessary to take into account its scope. There are models specifically designed for cardiology and gynaecology. They have their own equipment, functionality, and performance. The range also includes devices for general examinations that can be used in various medical fields.

By design, the device can be stationary, portable, tablet and autonomous in the form of a wireless sensor. Be equipped with a screen of different sizes, a touchscreen display, with the appropriate resolution, quality and image mode. They can be of different sizes and weights for installation in small offices or spacious rooms, as well as for easy movement along corridors.

Buy an ultrasound machine from Harwind

You can order a suitable ultrasound machine on the Harwind website. Our assortment includes the most modern medical equipment of different price segments. Technical specialists advise on the selection, installation and further operation of ultrasound diagnostic devices. They also provide training for medical staff to improve the quality of examinations and diagnostics.