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General provisions

Management   this site https://harwind.com.ua/ (hereinafter referred to as the "Site") is carried out by  LLC "HARWIND", EDRPOU code 43871582, a legal entity registered and operating in accordance with the requirements of the laws of Ukraine (the "Company").

The Company has great respect for the confidential (personal) information of all persons, without exception, who have visited the Website, as well as those who use the services provided by the Website; therefore, the Company strives to protect the confidentiality of personal data (information or a set of information about an individual who is identified or can be specifically identified), thereby creating and ensuring the most comfortable conditions for using the Website services for each user.

This Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy (hereinafter referred to as the "Policy") establishes the procedure for the Company's processing of personal data, the types of personal data collected, the purposes of using such personal data, the Company's interaction with third parties, security measures to protect personal data, the conditions for access to personal data, as well as contact information for  user to access, amend, block or delete their personal data and address any questions you may have regarding the personal data protection practices.

Collection and use of personal data

The owner and controller of personal data of the Website users is Harvind LLC.

When the user uses the services of the Website, the Company processes the user's data, namely:

- data provided by the user both when filling out registration forms and in the process of using the services;

- cookies;

- IP address;

- parameters and settings of Internet browsers (User-agent).

The Company collects only those personal data (for example, your first and last name, login and password, email address, contact phone number, date of birth, gender, etc.) that are knowingly and voluntarily provided you as the data subject for the purposes of using the Website services, which, in accordance with the requirements of the law, is the consent of the personal data subject to the processing of his or her personal data in accordance with the purpose of their processing formulated in this Policy.

When visiting the Website, all logins to the system are recorded. No other information on user traffic is processed or stored.

Please note: The Company is limited to collecting the minimum amount of information necessary solely to fulfil the request of the personal data subject. In any case, when optional information is requested, the user will be notified at the time of collection of such information.

The Company does not collect any information for the processing of which certain requirements are established by law, such as information on racial or ethnic origin, political, religious or ideological beliefs, membership in political parties and trade unions, conviction of a crime or sentence to criminal punishment, as well as data relating to health, sexual life, biometric or genetic data (in accordance with Article 7 of the Law of Ukraine "On Protection of Personal Data").

The Company collects data on the statistics of visits to the Website. The data may contain information about the connection, traffic, user's browser, as well as the date, time, duration of work on the Internet and stay on the Website.

Processing of personal data

The processing and storage of the provided personal data is carried out in data centres where the equipment that ensures the functioning of the Website services is located. The provided personal data is processed and may be stored in the Personal Database or a separate table of the Database  Website..

The place of storage and processing of personal data is located at: Harvind LLC, Avtozavodska 54/19 a, Kyiv, 04114, Ukraine

Purposes of using personal data

Your personal data is used to enable the processing and fulfilment of orders, including payment processing, delivery, registration and return/exchange of goods, as well as communication with the user.


Personal data retention period

Personal data is stored for no longer than is necessary in accordance with the purpose of its processing.

After the subject of personal data ceases to be a user of the Website by deleting his or her account on the Website, his or her personal data is also automatically deleted.

Use of cookies

A cookie is a text file or files containing a small amount of information that is sent to a web browser and stored on the user's device. Such devices may include a computer, mobile phone or other device used by the user to visit the Website.

Cookies can be eternal (they are called persistent cookies) and stored in the computer until the user deletes them or temporary (such cookies are called session cookies), i.e. they are stored only until the browser is closed. In addition, cookies are divided into first-party cookies (set directly by the Website visited) and third-party cookies (set by other websites).


• when the user visits the Site again, the cookie data is updated;

• in most cases, the web browser allows automatic storage of cookies on the user's device by default;

• disabling cookies may result in restriction of access to published materials and/or inadequate functioning of the Website services.

The Company cares about its users and tries to make their stay on the Site as comfortable as possible, for this purpose the Company needs to analyse the behaviour, preferences and interests of the user using cookies. Such analysis will help the Company improve the experience of interaction with the Website, determine the most convenient interface and navigation of the Service.

According to the classification of the International Chamber of Commerce, the Company uses the following categories of cookies:

Strictly necessary cookies - are necessary for the user to move around the web page and use certain services, for example, to access secure pages, register and authorise, search the Site. They also help to remember the user's previous actions when going to the previous page in the same session.

Performance cookies - aggregate information about how the Site is used. This data is stored on the user's device between web browser sessions. Examples of such data may include the following metrics: time spent on the Website, most frequently visited pages, understanding which sections and services of the Website were most interesting to the user, how effective a particular advertising and/or marketing campaign is, etc.

All information collected by means of performance cookies is intended for statistical and analytical purposes. Some cookie data may be provided to third parties with the permission of the website and solely for the purposes specified above.

Functional cookies - used to save parameters or  configurations that are stored on the user's device between web browser sessions. Examples of such data may include the following metrics: username, profile photo, information on comments left, language version of the Site, location, information about whether the user has been provided with any information or selected preferences before, as well as other parameters  of the Site settings.

These cookies also allow users to watch videos, participate in interactive activities (polls, voting) and interact with social networks.

To make the experience more pleasant after visiting the resource, these cookies remember the information provided by the user, increasing the efficiency of interaction with the Site.

Some cookie data may be provided to third parties with the permission of the website and solely for the purposes specified above.

Purposeful cookies -  are used to provide content that may be of interest to the user. This data is stored on the user's device between web browser sessions. Examples of such data include the following metrics: tracking recommended text, graphics, audio and video material to avoid repeated display, managing targeted advertising, evaluating the effectiveness of advertising campaigns, information about the user's visits to other resources during transitions, as well as other settings of the Site.

The Site may share this information with other parties, including media clients, advertisers, agencies and related business partners, in order to provide quality targeted advertising.

Cookies from third-party services and analytics services:

For prompt delivery, better display and detailed analysis of the content on the Website, the Company uses services owned by other third-party companies, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Alphabet Inc.

The companies listed as an example may use cookies on the user's device while working on the Site.

Please note that the Website cannot influence the operation of cookies used by these services. All necessary information about their use can be found by visiting the relevant resource.

Cookie management:

Major web browsers (listed below)   are set to automatically accept cookies.  To disable them, use the help function in your browser. Help can be accessed through the menu or by pressing F1.

Microsoft Edge - https://privacy.microsoft.com/ru-ru/privacystatement

Mozilla Firefox - https://www.mozilla.org/ru/privacy/websites/#cookies

Google Chrome - https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647?hl=ru

Opera - http://help.opera.com/Windows/11.50/ru/cookies.html

Safari for macOS - https://support.apple.com/kb/PH21411?locale=en_US


        the cookie settings configuration for mobile device web browsers may differ;

        it is worth recalling that the full-fledged work with the Site is available only when using cookies;

        disabling cookies may lead to restriction of access to the content and inadequate functioning of the Website services.

To contact the Company regarding the use of cookies, send an e-mail to info@harwind.com.ua.

If the user does not enable the use of cookies or deliberately deletes all cookies from his/her web browser, then upon further visit to the Site, the user will be offered to enable and use cookies again.

The information about users obtained through cookies is not sold or distributed in the public domain and is the property of the company that owns the resource.


Interaction of the Website with other resources

When the user uses the services, the pages of the Site may contain codes of other Internet resources and third parties, as a result of which such Internet resources and third parties receive your data. Consequently, these Internet resources may receive and process information that you have visited these pages, as well as other information transmitted by the user's browser. Such Internet resources may include:

- banner display systems (e.g, DoubleClick for Publishers, Admixer,  AdRiver et al.);

- social networking plugins (e.g, Discus, Facebook, Twitter, Google+).

The use of these services of the Company is necessary for the operational analysis of visits to the Website, internal and external evaluation of the Website traffic, the depth of views, and user activity. The Company does not store or process data received from these services.

Accordingly, if the user for any reason does not want these services to have access to his or her personal data, the user may, at his or her own request, log out of his or her account or profile, clear cookies (through his or her browser).

Safety of minors

The website is not intended for underage users. The Company takes security issues very seriously, especially in relation to persons under the age of majority, and therefore, for its part, the Company appeals to parents to explain to their children about Internet security issues, their specific purpose and need to use certain services of the Site.

Interaction of the Company with third parties regarding personal data

The Company does not transfer personal data to third parties, except when such transfer is required by law, at the request of the personal data subject or in other cases set out in this Policy. The Company understands that personal information is a value and inalienable content, including the personal non-property rights of any individual, therefore, it takes all possible measures to protect the personal information of users voluntarily and knowingly transferred to the Company.

The Website may contain links to other websites (for informational purposes only). If you follow a link to other websites, this Policy will not apply to such websites. In this regard, the Company recommends that you review the privacy and personal data policy of each website before submitting any personal data that can identify you.

Confidentiality of the personal data subject's activity on the Website

Information about the activity (traffic) on the Website of users passing through the network or the user's e-mail is protected in accordance with the law. That is, the Company does not in any way or manner violate the secrecy of the user's "activity" when using the Website services.

Protection of personal data

The Company uses generally accepted standards of technological and operational protection of information and personal data against loss, misuse, alteration or destruction. However, despite its best efforts, the Company cannot guarantee absolute protection against any threats arising outside the Company's regulation.

The Company ensures that all relevant confidentiality obligations are applied, as well as technical and organisational security measures to prevent unauthorised or unlawful disclosure or processing of such information and data, their accidental loss, destruction or damage.

The Company provides access to information and personal data only to authorised employees who have agreed to ensure the confidentiality of such information and data in accordance with the Company's requirements.

The dissemination of personal data without the consent of the personal data subject or his/her authorised person is allowed in cases determined by law and only (if necessary) in the interests of national security, economic welfare and human rights.

Terms of access to personal data

The procedure for access to personal data of third parties is determined by the terms of the user's consent provided to the owner of personal data to process this data, or in accordance with the requirements of the law.

The user has the right to receive any information about himself/herself from any subject of relations related to personal data, provided that the surname, name and patronymic, place of residence (place of stay) and details of the document identifying the individual submitting the request are indicated, except in cases established by law.

User access to data about themselves is free of charge.

Delaying user access to their personal data is not allowed.

Deferral of access to personal data of third parties is allowed if the necessary data cannot be provided within thirty calendar days from the date of receipt of the request. In this case, the total period for resolving the issues raised in the request may not exceed forty-five calendar days.

The notice of the postponement shall be communicated to the third party who submitted the request in writing with an explanation of the procedure for appealing such a decision.

The decision to postpone or deny access to personal data may be appealed to the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights or the court.

Rights of the personal data subject

The Company informs you of your rights as a personal data subject, which are regulated by the Law of Ukraine "On Personal Data Protection", namely:

1) know about the sources of collection, location of their personal data, the purpose of their processing, location or place of residence (stay) of the owner or manager of personal data or give an appropriate order to obtain this information to persons authorised by him/her, except in cases established by law;

2) Receive information on the conditions for granting access to personal data, including information about third parties to whom his or her personal data is transferred;

3) access to their personal data;

4) to receive, no later than thirty calendar days from the date of receipt of the request, except in cases provided for by law, a response on whether his or her personal data is processed, as well as to receive the content of such personal data;

5) to submit a reasoned request to the personal data controller with an objection to the processing of their personal data;

6) to make a reasoned request to change or destroy their personal data by any owner and manager of personal data, if this data is processed illegally or is unreliable;

7) to protect their personal data from unlawful processing and accidental loss, destruction, damage due to intentional concealment, failure to provide or untimely provision, as well as to protect against the provision of information that is inaccurate or discrediting the honour, dignity and business reputation of an individual;

8) file a complaint about the processing of your personal data with the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights or a court;

9) Apply legal remedies in case of violation of the legislation on personal data protection;

10) to make reservations regarding the restriction of the right to process their personal data when giving consent;

11) withdraw consent to the processing of personal data;

12) Know the mechanism of automatic processing of personal data;

13) protection against an automated decision that has legal consequences for him or her.

To update, access, amend, block or delete your personal data, withdraw consent to the processing of personal data that you have provided to the Company in accordance with this Policy, or in case you have any comments, requests or claims regarding your personal data that processed by the Company, please contact the Company: by e-mail at info@harwind.com.ua or send a letter to: Harvind LLC, Avtozavodska 54/19 a, Kyiv, 04114, Ukraine

Change of Policy

This Policy may be amended and supplemented from time to time and without prior notice to the user, including in the event of changes in the requirements of the law.

In the event of significant changes to this Policy, the Company will post a notice on the Website and indicate the date of entry into force of these changes. If you do not refuse to accept them in writing within the specified period, it means that you agree to the relevant changes to the Policy.

Please review the Policy from time to time to be aware of any changes or additions.