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About the company
Company 1

The strength of our team is responsibility, competence, creativity and responsiveness.

  1. SALE
    The range of our model range and competitive price offer can solve any issue of equipping clinics of various levels and formats.
    Full service support is a guarantee that our client will not be left “alone” with complex equipment. We will always be there for you.
    For us, the maximum involvement of doctors in the process of selecting and installing equipment is fundamental. Because in the end, the effect of its use depends on them. Therefore, training in all the necessary skills is a constant component of our main product.
Company 2
Company 3

We provide our customers with an independent choice thanks to a well-formed brand portfolio and a balanced assortment. We provide an opportunity to purchase everything you need to equip clinics of various formats in one place.

When forming an offer, we are guided by three criteria:
  • Functionality
    It is important for us that the equipment not only flawlessly performs its main functions, but also becomes an effective tool in the hands of a doctor.
  • Convenience
    It is important for us that the equipment is as adaptive and intuitive as possible for the user.
  • Reputation
    It is important for us that our partner shares our principles of socially responsible business.
Company 4
Our team
  • Dmitry Yakovenko d.yakovenko@harwind.com.ua Consultant of the Customer Training Centre
    Team member 1 01
    Consultant of the Customer Training Centre
  • Alexandra Davydko o.davydko@harwind.com.ua Brand manager
    Team member 2 02
    Brand manager
  • Konstantin Pytlyak k.pytliak@harwind.com.ua Head of the Service Centre
    Team member 3 03
    Head of the Service Centre
  • Anton Kadaysky a.kadaiskyi@harwind.com.ua Head of the Medical Equipment Sales Centre
    Team member 4 04
    Head of the Medical Equipment Sales Centre
  • Yuriy Nogay y.nohai@harwind.com.ua Regional Development Manager, Southern Region
    Team member 5 05
    Regional Development Manager, Southern Region
  • Dmitry Krachenko d.kravchenko@harwind.com.ua Regional Development Manager for the Central Region
    Team member 6 06
    Regional Development Manager for the Central Region
  • Ivan Lotskin i.lotskin@harwind.com.ua Head of the affiliate sales department
    Team member 7 07
    Head of the affiliate sales department
  • Konstantin Shevchenko k.shevchenko@harwind.com.ua COO
    Team member 8 08
  • Lyudmila Los l.los@harwind.com.ua CCO
    Team member 9 09
  • Valery Los v.los@harwind.com.ua CEO
    Team member 10 10
  • Olga Kornienko o.korniienko@harwind.com.ua Head of the Logistics Centre
    Team member 11 11
    Head of the Logistics Centre
  • Mariana Kolomiets m.kolomiiets@harwind.com.ua Head of the Business Development Centre
    Team member 12 12
    Head of the Business Development Centre