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Maintenance of medical equipment in Ukraine

05 March 2021

According to the WHO, almost 50% of medical equipment is not functioning or functioning incorrectly, or does not have adequate maintenance due to the lack of an effective service policy.

Regular maintenance of medical equipment is a prerequisite for its use. Only in this case, its operation is guaranteed to be safe for both the patient and the doctor. And the medical equipment itself will be used as efficiently and for as long as possible.

Up to 80% of medical equipment breakdowns can be prevented through proper operation and timely maintenance. The main purpose of the maintenance is to keep the equipment in working condition, to prevent the operational parameters from exceeding the permissible limits and to prevent equipment breakdowns. Violations in the operation of devices detected at the stage of inspection can often be eliminated without replacing the faulty module, or the healthcare facility will be warned of upcoming repairs and will be able to avoid equipment downtime. And the duration of the repair, for example, of radiation diagnostic equipment can be 5-6 months!

Thus, regular maintenance can significantly reduce the likelihood of equipment breakdowns, minimise downtime and extend the service life of the equipment.